Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Hailey's LOVE-A-THON

THANK YOU EVERYONE! We only have about 7 hours left before this Love-A-Thon completely closes. It surpassed my wildest expectations but then again, nothing is too big for God!

Thank you to everyone who has donated their money, prayers and help in so many ways. I know Robin is beyond words thankful! She and Hailey left today for Cleavland. I spoke with her for a few minutes yesterday and wanted to provide a short update as to their prayer needs.

Obviously they need prayers for travel, wisdom for her doctors, comfort for Hailey, a sense of peace and sanity for Robin, prayer that Jeremy and JJ are safe, happy and healthy while the family is apart. Robin shared that there is a possibility they will be doing some sort of exploritory surgery on Hailey's brain and that, as I can imagine, is very never wracking! If the doctors go down this path (which will only be decided after seeing and evaluating Hailey), Robin and Hailey could spend longer in Cleavland. Please pray that God allows these questions to be answered clearly and that the things necessary to extend their stay are provided in such a time that will allow Robin and Jeremy to feel confident that they can stretch their assets to cover it.

Thank you again to everyone who has read this story, passed on words of encouragement and prayers. I know Robin cherishes the positive comments on her blog; it gives her something to pick her spirits up and keep her going. If you have a moment, please stop by her blog every time you get a chance over the next few weeks and just drop her a little note.


Happy New Year everyone! I hope this post finds everyone well, refreshed from time together with family and friends and invigorated to begin a brand new year! We have had a wonderful few weeks together; enjoying time with both family and friends.

Today we spent some time in Denver with a dear friend of mine Robin Visbal and her husband Jeremy as they celebrated the birthday of their daughter Hailey.

Hailey is a beautiful, now 5 year old little girl. She is so sweet and has such a beautiful and kind spirit. Her favorite things to do are play with her "petshops", spend time with her family and wear anything pink!

Hailey suffers from Encephalopathy, seizures and alopecia. She recently spent nearly a week in the hospital (which included Christmas) due to one of these episodes. During an episode she is very much non responsive, combative and very unstable. To date the doctors are not sure what causes these episodes or how to control them.

This weekend Hailey and her mom have an opportunity to travel to Cleavland, Ohio to see a team of doctors that have accepted her into a diagnostic study. This is huge for Hailey! She needs this study, her family needs the hope that this study brings in finding answers and possibly a cure.

Unfortunately, due to Hailey being in the hospital and all that an extra stay brings financially, Hailey's parents are fighting to wrap up the financial aspect of this trip. All have left to cover is the stay (roughly $500) and money for food (for their time there, roughly $200). The trip and copays for the visit have already been taken care of and are non refundable.

I have attached links to Robin's blog, , where you can read all about Hailey's history and medical conditions and to a Chip-In widget in my sidebar and in this post. You can donate directly to Hailey through this secure, online site. No one will be given your information and the money you send will go directly to helping Hailey's parents get her the care she needs and deserves.

Thank you SO VERY much for stepping in quickly and helping this family and this amazing little girl! I know they appreciate it beyond words!


  1. Posted and copied the widget. Hopefully some of my 15 readers will help!

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH to EVERYONE who has donated, passed this on and to those praying! Every thought, prayer, penny makes a huge difference!! Thank you from the bottom of my heart! I LOVE what God can do!
