Monday, November 23, 2009

Hot and Healthy...week 4..I think :)

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This week has been horrible and frustrating and uninspiring!
I have eaten so well this week (except for one day that I did not totally blow) and thought I was going to be able to hit the gym every day.

Instead....I have been sick with what I now know is a major sinus infection. With the feeling of death yesterday, I reluctantly shelled out the copay to be seen at the doctors. Glad I did now though!

So instead of kickin it in the gym non stop, I spent it in bed. I only got about 3 hours in total for the week. I am however getting tons and tons of water in my diet no and that is great! I LOVE the pilates moves and do them every day, even if I haven't gotten to the gym. They are helping with my flexibility and my dancing too. I dug out my prego pilates video and have done that with my daughter.

I am not feeling so hot this week but was up until I got sick so I am sure this has just been a down week due to the infection. I did have some fast food, but I didn't get fries (got a side salad) and got chicken strips instead of a burger.

Hoping the next few days can help correct last week and prevent Thursday from being overwhelming. Good news is everyone is coming over to celebrate Braedon's birthday for Thanksgiving so I am doing all the cooking. Hot and Healthy being served up for everyone this holiday season! :)

MckLinky Blog Hop


  1. Sorry you've been sick, but you still managed to to pretty good..

    Have an awesome Thanksgiving and Happy Birthday to Braedon..

    By the way...sorry you missed the giveaway! I woke up and saw your tweet and comment and had I known I would have said enter away..Oh well, next time!

    Oh and we live North of Houston

  2. Sorry to hear you've been sick. Don't let it get you down, just hop back on the wagon when you start to feel better!
    Glad to know someone likes the pilates exercises. I tried them and wanted to DIE!
